Legal statement



This website is published by AGLAE.

Non-profit association under the law of 1901, registered with the Préfecture du Nord (59) No. 5/28900

Published in the Official Journal of 13/04/1994 (126th year No. 15)

SIRET 397 997 594 00049

APE 7120 B

VAT registration number FR 06397997594


Site content

The content of the site includes the general structure, texts, images (animated or not) and sounds of which the site is composed.
Any total or partial representation of this site and its content, by any means whatsoever, without the express prior authorisation of the AGLAE Association, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.


Use of the site content

By connecting to the site, the user accepts a licence from the AGLAE Association to use the content of the site, which is strictly limited to the following imperative conditions:
- This non-exclusive licence is non-transferable.
- The right of use granted to the user is personal and private: in other words, any reproduction of the content of the site on any medium whatsoever for collective or professional use, even internally within the company, is prohibited. The same applies to any communication of this content by electronic means, even on a company intranet or extranet.
- This use only includes authorisation to reproduce for storage for the purposes of representation on a single-user screen and reproduction in one copy, for back-up copies and hard copies.
- Any other use is subject to the express prior authorisation of the AGLAE Association. Violation of these provisions shall subject the offender and all persons responsible to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by French law.


External hypertext links

The links set up from the site to external sites do not incur the liability of the Association AGLAE, particularly with regard to the content of these sites, but also with regard to technical risks. By agreeing to use a hypertext link to access an external site, you agree to take the risks and to suffer any direct or indirect prejudice. Similarly, AGLAE is not responsible for any hypertext links that may point to its site.


Data protection act

In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, all computer data concerning you is treated as strictly confidential. You have the right to access, rectify and object to your data. To do so, simply send us a request by e-mail: or by post, stating your full name and address.

More information about the way we handle your personal data



The creations produced by AGLAE Association are protected by copyright in accordance with the provisions of Books I to III of the French Intellectual Property Code. As such, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation or commercialisation, in part or in full, of the elements contained in this site, without the prior written authorisation of the Association AGLAE, is prohibited, under penalty of constituting an infringement of copyright.

For any request or to report any error or anomaly: