Interlaboratory comparisons for many chemical and biological parameters: bisphenol A and S, parabens, phthalates, legionella by culture or PCR, etc.
Interlaboratory comparisons for many chemical and biological parameters: bisphenol A and S, parabens, phthalates, legionella by culture or PCR, etc.
Several programmes of External Quality Control: cytobacteriology, stool and blood bacteriology, bacterial endotoxins, etc.
Carry out the monitoring of your analytical performance for your analyses in sludge, sediment and soil with our quality control materials.
About 1400 laboratories trust AGLAE, with 30% international
Assessment of your analytical performance (z-score), your precision (through repeated measurements) but also check of your uncertainties of measurement (zeta-score), estimate of your own uncertainties (microbiology), influence of culture media, differences between methods...
About 270 tests are provided per scheme and new parameters are added every year to meet your needs