+33 (0) 3 20 16 91 40
Hospital laboratory

You are a private or public health establishment.
You have a biological and medical analysis laboratory, as well as a hospital hygiene laboratory. Your laboratories carry out a wide range of tests for outpatients and inpatients, or for microbiological monitoring of your environment.
AGLAE provides you a wide range of External Quality Assessments for cytological and bacteriological analyses of urine, blood, faeces and cerebrospinal fluid, as well as interlaboratory tests on healthcare facility water, water for standard care, bacteriologically controlled water and hot sanitary water.

Hospital analyses
In your medical laboratory, you carry out medical biology examinations, from sampling to the delivery of results, including interpretation and advice.
Because infections in healthcare establishments can sometimes originate in the environment (nosocomial infections), your hospital hygiene laboratory monitors your environment. To do this, you implement measures to prevent healthcare-associated infections and the spread of bacteria that are multi-resistant or highly resistant to antibiotics.
As part of this, your laboratory:
- samples and analyses drinking water (distribution water and cooling fountains), microfiltered water to obtain bacteriologically controlled water, water for rinsing endoscopes, haemodialysis water and water from rehabilitation pools
- tests for legionella and atypical mycobacteria
- controls surfaces and aerobiocontamination

Your expectations in terms of Quality Control
As part of your accreditation, your laboratory must meet the requirements of ISO 17025 Calibration and testing laboratories in accordance with the Cofrac technical guide to accreditation for microbiological, biological and molecular biology analyses of water, or ISO 15189 standard "Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence" in accordance with the standard scopes for accreditation of medical biology examinations.
You must ensure the validity of your results and monitor your performance by comparing it with the results of other laboratories.

Which proficiency tests could be of interest to you?
Your laboratory is likely to be interested in these proficiency tests:
By taking part in these interlaboratory comparisons, you receive an estimate of your analytical performance, enabling you to improve the quality of your measurements on water and biological samples.

Témoignages d'adhérents de laboratoires de Centres Hospitaliers
"Dans le cadre de l’accréditation des laboratoires, AGLAE offre un panel complet d’EEQ en bactériologie, assure des résultats rapides et un suivi personnalisé."
Patricia PISCHEDDA, Ingénieur Qualité, Institut de Microbiologie, Centre de Biologie Pathologie, CHU de Lille
"Prestations de qualité et exploitation des résultats très complète."
Michèle VAUTRIN, Technicienne Laboratoire, CH LANGRES