AGLAE, our assets


AGLAE is a recognised provider of interlaboratory comparisons, at the service of laboratories since 1993 and attentive to their needs with a constant concern for improvement.


Acknowledgement of the Association

  • COFRAC (French accreditation body) accreditation for its provision of interlaboratory comparisons (ILC)
  • Partnerships (ANSES, Aquaref)
  • 1400 members among which 30% internationals (covers around 60 countries)
  • Around 200 laboratories participating in the tests in the fields of water microbiology and basic physico-chemical analyses
  • Development support (transfer of technology to Cuba)

Expertise association AGLAE


  • Member of Commissions: ISO (TC/147-SC4), French standardisation Committee, COFRAC and technical assessor for the  COFRAC (ISO 17025) ⇒ Participation in ISO and French standards development
  • Groups  of experts in the field of the environment or medical biology that support AGLAE to provide proficiency tests adapted to laboratories' needs and to interpret laboratories results
  • Skills, level of qualification and experience of the Association's employees, particularly in the technical and statistical fields that enable to design proficiency tests:
    • On samples close to those analysed in routine to validate the analytical chain
    • Adapted test design: duplicate samples and repeated measurements to assess laboratory reproducibility and repeatability


Supporting laboratories in their quality assurance approach


With a complete service offer:

  • Diversity of matrices and large list of parameters
  • Additional test samples to evaluate technicians, test new methods
  •  Supply of Quality Control Materials for the analysis of sludge, sediment and soil
  • Training sessions in water microbiology in order to implement a quantitative Internal Quality Control, evaluate the uncertainty of measurement, characterise a method

 With quick returns, source of improvement:

  • Quick review two days after the deadline to report the results in order to implement, if necessary, corrective actions
  • Complete report within about 3 weeks including:
    • The study of the influence of analytical methods, equiment and consommables
    • Estimation of your uncertainties in water microbiology
    • Check of your uncertainty estimates in chemistry (zeta-score)
    • The evaluation of trueness and measurements repeatability

⇒ These elements provide suggestions to identify the origin of possible anomalies


Time saving for laboratories

  • Easy, annual registration as a subscription
  • Online schedule of events with a system for monitoring the report of results and reminders in the event of non-entry
  • Personalized report: direct access to each laboratory performance
  • Personalized member area of the web site with information storage
  • Pre-filled online results forms
  • Results file as an Excel sheet so that laboratories can easily update their control charts
  • Possible results' summaries per period

Prestations sur mesure

Services tailored to participants' needs

  • Satisfaction surveys and collection of needs to best meet members' expectations
  • Tests based on French / European approvals, the Water Framework Directive and laboratory accreditation
  • Development of tests during the year to meet new expectations
  • Customized service offers
  •  Members-focused investments

Offres commerciales

Commercial offers

  • Commercial policy with price stability
  • Discounts based on invoiced test volumes
  • Possible splitting of the payment according to the amount of the service offer
  • More favourable payment terms than EU legislation

Do you have any question? Need a quote?  Contact us

Already participated in AGLAE's proficiency tests? Contact us by email or phone. Thank you to specify your login (member/file) number.

Never participated ? Download the  AGLAE 2024 registration form  and return it completed via the form below.

For more information, check the steps from registration to participation in AGLAE's proficiency tests.

One file only. 5 MB limit. Allowed types: docx, pdf.
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