Description of the programme

These External Quality Assessments (AGLAE's programme ‘88’) address medical laboratories and hospital laboratories.

Features of this EQA:

  • Samples close to patient samples (matrix = synthetic broncho-pulmonary secretion)
  • Results reported on-line
  • Personalized test report

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These External Quality Assessments (AGLAE's programme ‘87’) address medical laboratories and hospital laboratories.

Features of this EQA:

  • Samples close to patient samples (matrix = synthetic cerebrospinal fluid)
  • Results reported on-line
  • Personalized test report

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These External Quality Assessments (AGLAE's programme ‘85A’) in blood address medical laboratories and hospital laboratories.

Features of this EQA:

  •  Samples close to patient samples
  •  Results reported on-line

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These External Quality Assessments (AGLAE's programme ‘85’) in blood address medical laboratories and hospital laboratories.

Features of the EQA:

  • Samples close to patient samples
  • Results reported on-line
  • Personalized test report

List of parameters


Description of the programme

This External Quality Assessment (AGLAE's programme ‘84’) in synthetic stool addresses medical laboratories and hospital laboratories.

Features of this EQA:

  • Samples close to patient samples
  • Results reported on-line
  • Personalized test report

List of parameters


Description of the programme

This External Quality Assessment (programme AGLAE ‘80B') addresses medical laboratories and hospital laboratories.

Features of this EQA:

  • Samples close to patient samples
  • Results reported on-line

List of parameters


Description of the programme

This External Quality Assessment (programme AGLAE ‘80A') addresses medical laboratories and hospital laboratories.

Features of this EQA:

  • Samples close to patient samples
  • Results reported on-line


List of parameters


Description of the programme

his External Quality Assessment (AGLAE's programme ‘80’) in synthetic urines is provided in the frame of:

  • the accreditation scope related to the ISO 15189 standard "Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence" (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)


Features of this EQA:

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programme ‘110’) on cosmetics products address microbiology service providers and cosmetic industries.

This enables laboratories to assess the quality of their analysis to evaluate the antimicrobial protection of cosmetic products.

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programme ‘34’) in waters intended for human consumption are provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes realted to biological analyses of aquatic media (check AGLAE's accreditation Cofrac No. 1-1664)

  • approvals issued by Ministries of Health

List of parameters
