Ronan Charpentier / Olivier Molinier

Submitted by csix on Mon, 03/21/2022 - 12:30

Mr Charpentier and Mr Molinier are responsible for the statistical processing of our interlaboratory comparisons and the issue of test reports. They carry out additional statistical studies, ensure technical and normative watch in terms of statistics.

They represent AGLAE during AFNOR or ISO meetings. In this respect, Mr Molinier is an expert for the ISO TC147/SC 4 "Microbiological methods".


How to access the Member area?

Submitted by csix on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 15:08

From the top right hand corner, participants can access their "Member area". They enter their Login (membership) and password (provided by AGLAE).

There are 3 access levels:

  • 1st level: access limited to data entry of test results
  • 2nd level: access limited to data entry and validation of test results
  • 3rd level: TOTAL access (data entry, validation, download of test documents)

I did not report the correct result in my results form. What can I do?

Submitted by csix on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 15:07

Test results are reported via your Member Area.

  • If the test is not closed: you can cancel the validation of your results form and modify your results. Remember to validate again your results form.  Make sure that the correct version is registered and validated.

  • If the test is closed: you cannot modify your results at this stage of the test.

I cannot find the instructions to analyse the test samples. What can I do?

Submitted by csix on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 15:07

About two weeks prior to the samples' distribution, you receive by email the instructions to analyse the test samples and can check the on-line results form. 

If you loose them, download them from your member area, section "Your proficiency tests".

You will also find there the link to your results form, then your code assigned for the test, your test review and finally your test report.

When are the tests samples sent?

Submitted by csix on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 15:07

You will find the month test samples are sent on each file describing the tests (section "Proficiency Testing", PTS "Environment" or EQA "Medical biology").

Once registered, a personnalised and precise schedule is sent to you.

Should you need a precise schedule before registration, just contact us.

Note that AGLAE reduces the number of tests during July and August but cannot avoid bank holidays of all the participating countries.