Description of the programme

This interlaboratory comparison (programme AGLAE ‘3E’) in carbogaseous waters is provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses in drinking waters (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)
  • approvals issued by Departments of environment or Ministries of Health

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (programme AGLAE ‘3C’) in flat natural mineral waters (bottled) are provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses in drinking waters (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)
  • approvals issued by Departments of environment or Ministries of Health


List of parameters


Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programme ‘6’) in saline and brackish waters are provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses in saline and brackish waters (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)
  • approvals issued by Ministries of Health

List of parameters


Description of the programme

pH, conductivity, turbidity, REDOX potential, true colour by comparison with hexachloroplatinate

True colour analysed by spectrophotometry according to method C of the EN ISO 7887 standard. The determination of the true colour according to the method D of the EN ISO 7887 standard can be carried out; a statistical treatment of data obtained with this method may be considered if the number of results returned by the participants is sufficient



List of parameters


Description of the programme

This interlaboratory comparison (AGLAE's programme ‘2C’) in waste waters is provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses of waters (check AGLAE's accreditation Cofrac No. 1-1664)
  • approvals issued by Departments of environment

This proficiency testing is identical to the test 'Indicators in waste waters' but at lower concentration levels to meet specific requirements.

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programme ‘2B’) in waste waters are provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses in waters (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)
  • approvals issued by Departments of environment

An identical proficiency testing is also conducted at lower concentration levels to meet specific requirements.

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programme ‘2A’) in waste waters are provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses in waters (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)
  • approvals issued by Departments of environment

List of parameters


Description of the programme

This interlaboratory comparison (AGLAE's programme ‘91’) in waters intended for human consumption (public drinking water, spring waters and non-atypical natural mineral waters) is part of sensory analysis.

It is provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses in drinking waters (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)
  • approvals issued by Ministries of Health

List of parameters


Description of the programme

This interlaboratory comparison (AGLAE's programme ‘50A’) in freshwater swimming pool water (natural or synthetic) is provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses in water (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)

List of parameters


Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programme ‘50’) in public drinking water, spring waters and non-atypical natural mineral waters are provided in the frame of:

  • accreditation scopes related to physico-chemical analyses in waters (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)
  • approvals issued by Ministries of Health

List of parameters
