
Comparaison interlaboratoires EDTAAssessment of laboratories' performance for the analysis of 'Chelating agents in fresh waters' (programme 5E - including EDTA).

Find its description on the page 'Organic pollutants in clean waters'


Bactériophages AGLAE provides you the evaluation of your analytical performance for the enumeration of somatic coliphages somatiques and F-specific RNA bacteriophages (programme 130)


Find the description of this interlaboratory comparison on the page Water microbiology



 Assess your analytical performance in waste:

  - 51 Chemical analyses and metals in waste (leaching)

 - 51A Cyanides and phenol index in waste (leaching)

- 51B Chemical analyses and metals in waste (leaching) - LAGA/DepV


Find their description with the proficiency tests in solid matrices